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Our  Curriculum

A curriculum that challenges each individual child and fosters positive interactions and outcomes

We received an overall judgement of ‘Good’ from our last inspection, something we are extremely proud of, especially as the quality of our Early Years provision was deemed to be Outstanding!


At Westerham Day Nursery and Pre-school, we are continually working towards improving what we do and how we do it, with the ultimate aim being to improve outcomes for all children. Find out how we work to create an inclusive environment in which diversity is celebrated and children are provided with equal opportunities to thrive.

Development matters

Through a process of careful planning, observation and assessment, we seek to nurture the development of our babies and children in a way that stimulates their enthusiasm for discovery and creativity.


According to statutory requirements we follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework which continues into primary school. 

​The EYFS Framework has seven pillars which we use to inform our planning, experiences and assessments:

  1. Communication and language.

  2. Physical development.

  3. Personal, social and emotional development.

  4. Literacy.

  5. Mathematics.

  6. Understanding the world.

  7. Expressive arts and design.

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what ofsted say:

"The manager has clear intentions for the curriculum. She shows a secure knowledge of what children know, understand, and can do and what they need to learn next. She ensures that the curriculum is ambitious for all children, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities." 


"Children receive praise for their achievements and staff celebrate their successes. They say, 'good job' when supporting children to take turns. This helps new children build confidence. Children enjoy regular opportunities to play outdoors. Older children learn to climb and balance on the equipment, supporting their large muscle development. Older children enjoy experimenting with water. They learn to pour with increasing skill and begin to understand about measuring."


"Babies explore textures and how objects feel. Staff use words, such as 'scrunch', when they talk about the sound the toy makes as they squeeze it. Babies use their senses and hear new words in their play. Staff use simple signing. For instance, they ask babies if they have finished and indicate when it's lunchtime. This supports their communication skills."




A personalised approach

Each child is assigned a key person who is responsible for their overall care and development. The Key Person carries out regular observations and is there to assist with updates and sharing concerns if needed. This allows them to ensure that your child’s areas of interest are fully explored, enabling them to plan activities based on their interests. The Key Person will also liaise with the wider staff team so as to gather a full picture of your child's interests, learning and development. The Key Person will also work with the Management Team if they feel additional support is needed. 

Open-ended resources

Our skilled practitioners provide a range of stimulating activities daily taking inspiration from established pedagogies such as The Curiosity Approach and Hygge in the Early Years. Maria Montessori said "play is the work of the child" and it is our intention that children are offered a wide-range of open-ended activities which awaken their curiosity, spark their creativity and help them to learn about their sense of self, their skills and their interests.


We believe that children are best-placed to lead their learning and our grown ups are always on hand to support them. We place a heavy emphasis on well-being as it is happy children who are best placed to learn and develop and so our spaces include cosy book corners, sensory exploration and opportunities for quiet and calm. 

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Communication is so important for early years children. Learning ways of communicating with others begins from the moment we are born - through crying, eye contact, hand gestures and expressions as we progress along our road to speech development.


Makaton is one of the tools we use to promote effective communication. But what is Makaton? Essentially, it is a simplified form of sign language, allowing children of all ages, abilities and learning needs to express themselves, receive instruction, and tell us what they want or need.


A powerful communication tool that helps to build and strengthen positive relationships and skills for life.

Contact Us

Our nursery curriculum has been developed with the unique needs of early years children in mind. Get in touch with Westerham Day Nursery and Pre School for an informal chat about your child's requirements.

01959 565969

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